
I hope everyone is doing well and you were able to keep up with the very fast pace of January. And here we are in our second month of the New Year!

Every month I will be asking the Keepers of the Akashic Records what we can expect in terms of the energy of the month ahead of us and what we can do to best harness and navigate our lives in alignment with that energy.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family. It will also be posted on my Facebook page, Divine Transitions and website
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The energy of February will be like a sweet rain of love. Love will be everywhere as if it was pouring down from the heavens and enveloping you and all that you love in it. As if someone replaced your retina with the rosy love tinted lenses. It will feel wonderful to bask in it. A bit of a reprieve from the very fast moving energy of the last month that kept us hopping from thing to thing.
Breathe it in and enjoy this beautiful energy that is a gift from above. All that seemed difficult will now flow with amazing grace and ease. Appreciation will also help the process tremendously. Look around you and be grateful for all that you have and be very appreciative of yourself and how far you have come and who you are becoming.
It will serve you to take some time to stop to smell the flowers and enjoy the company of those you hold near and dear to your heart. ….And tell them how much they mean to you. This is the month where our love cups will be overflowing and the universe wants us to share the love and be grateful for it!

Food for thought…. low-calorie of course

The art of receiving….
How well do you receive? In my experience we are all great givers, we love the opportunity to give someone that perfect gift that we know will put a smile on their face or in someway make their lives easier. It makes us feel wonderful to be on the giving end of a gift, complement or act of service. But how well do we allow ourselves to be gracious receivers. Most of us can’t even handle a simple compliment. We tend to in someway discount complements, and responding with ….. “This old thing or no I’m not ____” you fill in the blanks.
Complements, gifts, acts of kindness towards us from others are really not about us. They are about allowing others the opportunity to give and being part of the circle of life….The give-and-take of life!  When we do not allow others to give to us we disrupt that precious cycle.
So the next time someone gives us a compliment, gift, or does something nice for us, learn to take a deep breath in, smile and simply say “Thank you.”
Because you deserve it:)


Check out my new name and website, Divine Transitions  I am available for private readings, you can contact me at 310 567 0243 or and I’d be happy to set up an appointment for you.

Many Blessing,