sanddollarGreetings everyone,

I hope everyone had a lovely month of May filled with many opportunities to celebrate life. My family had a wonderful opportunity to celebrate my son’s graduation from Penn State. I’m so proud of him!

Every month I will be asking the Keepers of the Akashic Records what we can expect in terms of the energy of the month ahead and what we can do to best harness and navigate our lives in alignment with the energies.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family. It will also be posted on my Facebook page, Divine Transitions and website www.divine

June 2015

The energy of June 2015 will be fast-moving and very forceful energy. Much will occur that hasn’t in the past. As if all that you wanted was in a bottle that has been stuck at the narrow neck of the bottle for the past several months and now with this fast-moving forceful energy it is being pushed through and finally released into fruition. All that you have been dreaming about, yearning for and desiring will come about with lightning speed. With that said, careful what you wish for is the only word of caution. So make sure you are dreaming big, aspiring for more good, abundance and especially love. Allow the universe to shower you with all kinds of goodness. It will benefit us to stay centered and grounded and affirm every day, and all day… That you are allowing more good into your life! And miracles shall follow miracles and wonders shall never cease.

Food for thought…low calorie of course.

As I sit here after channeling the Keepers of the Akashic Records about June 2015, I can’t help but think of the past few months and begin to see the foundation that the Universe has laid out for us. We have had many months of letting go of beliefs and things that no longer serve us. And May was a celebration of life and living, especially from all the hard work of letting go.  All in perfect timing for June, a month where, if we’ve done the work, much of our hopes, dreams and desires will come about….. Now just sit back and allow the magic to unfold. Be open!


For all those who attended my workshop The Path of Light… Awakening the Voice of your Soul….Thank you
For those who missed it, I will be teaching it again ..stay tuned for details

I will be doing readings at Sacred Stone Gallery in June will let you know the date soon.

I also do private readings if you are interested please call me at 310-567-0243 or email me divinetransitions@
For more info visit my website Divine Transitions

Much Love and Light,