
I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season.  Mine was especially wonderful… filled with family, friends and some very unexpected fun.  Thank you Universe I am so grateful!
Every month I will be asking the Keepers of the Akashic Records what we can expect in terms of the energy of the month ahead and what we can do to best harness and navigate our lives in alignment with the energies.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family. It will also be posted on my Facebook page, Divine Transitions and website Divine Transitions

January 2016

The energy of January, 2016 will feel like a reprieve from being so busy, overwhelmed and pulled in many directions, even if they were great… It was, for most, exhausting.
January will feel as though we are shifting gears. Life will gently start to slow down to a more comfortable and peaceful flow. Any areas that felt blocked or we were too busy to address, will start to move forward in a wonderful new direction. We will also have more clarity, peace and more freedom of movement to do our life from a more peaceful place.
It will serve us to pay more attention to how we feel and to our bodies. To be more compassionate and nurturing toward ourselves and our bodies. Take a nap, get a massage, be a bit more selfish with your time ….Really pamper yourself!  Also, wrap up any loose ends that you were too busy to address. And above all else ….slow down!!!!

Just in time for the New Year
……adding some “vision” to our new years intentions
Save the date.
I will be doing my very popular Vision Board Workshop
Saturday, February 6th.   130 pm to 330pm.
At the Center for Spiritual Living
907 Knob Hill, Redondo Beach
15 dollars Before Feb 6th
20 dollars the day of
Contact:  310 567 -0243 or

T. Harv Eker wrote…
“The number one reason people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know what they want.  Clarity is critical to success.  Clarity leads to power…..the power to act…which is the basis of achievement, fulfillment, and happiness in life.  Without a clear direction you are either paralyzed or running around in circles. Or worse, you can never reach your full potential because you dare not fully commit.

Vision Boards are a visual tool to help us manifest our desires into reality.

A vision board (also called a Treasure Map ) is typically a poster board on which you paste or collage images that you’ve torn out from various magazines.  The idea behind this is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have or accomplish, where you want to live or work, or where you want to vacation, your life changes to match those images and those desires. They add clarity to your desires, and feeling to your visions.
During the workshop you will learn how and create your own personal vision board.  You will also learn how to energize those desires with some very specific tips that I have learned from years of success with my own vision boards.

For info on some of the services I provide check out my website Divine Transitions or Facebook page Divine Transitions.
I also do private Akashic Record Readings, Angel Readings, Astrological Birth Charts and Mentoring. Call me at 310-567-0243 or email me and I’d be happy to set up an appointment for you.
