Category Archives: Newsletter

October 2014 Newsletter

HI Everyone,
Happy Autumn!!!
Awww a break from the heat… Well at least for a couple days this past weekend before we start to heat up again….

Every month I will be asking the keepers of the a Akashic Records what we can expect in terms of the energy of the month ahead and what we can do to best harness and navigate through that energy.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family. It will also be posted on my Facebook page, Conscious  Transitions and website
If you do not wish to receive this newsletter please let me know and I will take you off my email list.

Hopefully you have spent the month of September rolling up your sleeves and  working hard completing any projects, goals or any thing that you started last spring.


The month of October is a time to take stock on all that you have experienced and accomplished in the last year and look at it as if all those experiences were puzzle pieces that are now coming together and forming a beautiful picture of what’s next, or possible.  Life in the past two years for most of us have been challenging and fragmented. But if you take all those experiences and piece them together you will see that Life was leading you in a direction that is making you stronger and leading you towards your ‘Highest Good.’  You will experience much more clarity and peace in the coming months. You will feel more settled in your own skin, about who you are and where Life is taking you.
It will best serve you the month of October, once you have seen a clear picture of where you are headed, to be more intentional and make sure that your actions are in alignment with those intentions. It will serve us to stop and refocus on our priorities, really think about where you have been….good and bad and stop to check in with yourself. Are you off track from your goals?  Do you have goals?  Are your actions in alignment with the direction you want your life to go in?  October is the month to check in and refocus on your life, set intentions about what you want and how you’re going to get there. Do you need to redirect? Ask yourself…. What is my focus and how am I going to get there? This is not a month to take action as much as it is a month to ask questions, journal, meditate and focus on you and the direction of your life. What’s important to you? What is next for you?


I was really hoping to get this out early but my computer went haywire this weekend. Then I looked at my calendar and saw that Mercury is about to go retrograde October 4 through the 25th. Often we start to feel the effects a week early……ugh!
Mercury will be going retrograde from 2° Scorpio back into Libra and then back to Scorpio. Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to reflect on our past. Our intuition is high and coincidences can be extraordinary. Mercury rules communication, whether it be our minds, what is being said, computers, phones and even travel plans can be affected. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and Venus rules our hearts. With Mercury going backwards into Libra we really want to focus on our hearts. During this retrograde in Libra we want to think about where we have been(our past) and where our hearts are leading us now. What past hurts, beliefs, or assumptions have we unconsciously adopted from our past that  keep us from opening our hearts wider in our relationships and what are we willing to let go of now.
The Cosmos are giving us the opportunity to go back and let go of anything that weighs heavy on our hearts once and for all so that we can emerge lighter and more open to love. Not always a fun journey traveling into our past.

There is also a Grand Fire Trine between Mars, Jupiter and Uranus. Mars is the planet of action and when it is activated things start to happen. Uranus is the planet of change that happens very suddenly. Mars and Uranus together can create twist and turns where anything can happen and probably will. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance and it always brings something wonderful into the mix. Jupiter’s involvement will absolutely offer us the chance to manifest great things!
However you cannot receive any GOOD unless you absolutely BELIEVE that you deserve it!!!!
A Fire Trine involving Jupiter has the ability to transmute anything in your belief system even hidden thoughts of lack and limitation. Fire takes one thing, breaks it down into something new and allows us to begin again and it does it very quickly. Jupiter Trining Uranus for the next 10 months hands us the capacity to transform very easily.  But it does not happen without you stepping up to the plate.  A Trine only increases the flow.  You must do the work!
And Saturn will be moving from its over two year stay in Scorpio and will begin its journey into Sagittarius in late December, it does go retrograde back to Scorpio for awhile and then back to Sagittarius in 2015.  Saturn is the planet of responsibility and karma.  Wherever Saturn is in your chart will be an area that you need to pay attention, work a little harder,  discipline yourself and learn some lessons.  Saturn’s journey through any sign and house promises that you will be in a much better place than where you began.  Aligning you to your Soul’s intent for this life.

Do you know what house Saturn in Sagittarius occupies in your chart?  If anyone is interested I also do astrology charts:)


I will be at the Sacred Stone Gallery in Redondo Beach doing intuitive readings on October 18 from 1 to 430, 20 minutes for $20. You can contact me for an appointment. 310-567-0243 or email

I will also be doing my very popular workshop, The Joy of living your Dream….Vision Board workshop on Sunday, November 9th at the Center for Spiritual Living on 907 Knob Hill, Redondo Beach from 1 to 3pm
Vision Boards are a visual tool to help us manifest our dreams! During the workshop you will learn and create your own personal vision board.
Bring a friend and spend the afternoon creating your future.

$15 Dollars before November 9
$20 at the door

Many Blessings,

Ivette Temesy
conscious transitions
Intuitive Counseling

September 2014 Newsletter

sanddollarHi Everyone,
Just as summer is winding down I hope everyone can look back with fond memories of the amazing time you experienced connecting with friends and family and especially doing fun activities!!

Every month I will be asking the Keepers of the Akashic Records what we can expect in terms of the energy of the month ahead of us and what we can do to best harness and navigate our lives with that energy.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family.  It will also be posted on my Face Book Page,  Conscious Transitions and website,
If you do not wish to receive this monthly newsletter please let me know and I will take you off my email list.


The energy of September will be challenging if you are acting unconsciously.  It will be  fast moving energy that can leave you feeling scattered and disorientated if you are unaware of what is happening around you and through you. It will be a time to get things done as in ‘get to work’.  Anything that you have put off doing during the summer months this is the time to roll up your sleeves and complete it.
It will benefit you to make a list of all the things you need to accomplish in your day and check them off as you’ve completed them.  It will also serve you to stay grounded by exercising, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep, so that you have the energy to get the job done.  Also Meditation, just connecting to your breath for 30 second,  3 times a day will help you feel grounded with this fast moving, scattered energy.

Questions to live by……
A friend of mine gave me some words to live by that someone gave him on his 50th birthday.  He said, “There are three questions you need to ask yourself in order to live a successful life. These three questions you heard from your parents over and over again.
1. Where are you going?
2. Who are you going with?
3. What are you going to do when you get there?”

How profound I thought!!  We all have had in our lives unmet goals and dreams, and by asking ourselves these simple questions we can begin to live more in alignment with our goals.  Therefore arriving at our Dream Destination more sooner than latter….

Personally…….   Where am I going?
Most of you know how active and outdoorsy I am…paddling, surfing, hiking, running on the beach…to list a few!  Sitting down at a computer is never my first choice of things to do. Thank goodness I have email on my phone!  But I am committed to my goals and dream of helping others through my gift of insight.  So I’m rolling up my sleeves, sitting at my computer, and getting my newsletter out on time… yay!!!!

Who am I going with?  All you beautiful souls:)

What am I going to do when I get there?  Feel very accomplished and Blessed, if even to know I helped one person get through the month with the grace and ease of being in the flow of the prevailing currents of Life.

P.S.  My mother always added …”Where’s your sweater?”


I will be at Sacred Stone Gallery in Redondo Beach doing Intuitive Readings on September 13th from 1- 430,  20 mins for 20 dollars.  You can contact me for an appt. 310 567 0243 or email

Also, stay tuned for my very popular workshop on “Living the Life of Your Dreams through Vision Boards.”  Will keep you posted on the date.

I am also available for private readings.  Check out my website for more info

Many Blessing,

Ivette Temesy
Conscious Transitions
Intuitive Counseling
310 567 0243

November 2014 Newsletter

urchinDear friends,

Happy Halloween!  I am loving this fall weather!!!

Every month I will be asking the Keepers of the Akashic Records what we can expect in terms of the energy of the month ahead and what we can do to best harness and navigate through that energy.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family. It will also be posted on my Facebook page, Conscious Transitions and
If you do not wish to receive this newsletter please let me know and I will take you off my email list.


The month of November will feel like a reprieve from all the confusing energies and all the letting go of the past from last month. Last month might’ve felt like a roller coaster ride for most of you. One minute you were up and the next minute sinking into the lowest low. This coming month brings clarity and joy. The joy of knowing where life is taking you and what a wonderful ride is ahead. With that comes a very grounding sense of peace. It’s all going to work out for your highest good. Especially with the path becoming more clear, as though a weight or a veil has been lifted from our psyche.  Like getting a peek at what’s next for us …and it feels good!!!!
It will serve us best to start keeping a gratitude journal…writing in it at least once a day the things you’re grateful for. This will increase your flow of abundance. It will also serve you to stay grounded by meditating with the intention of having clarity and seeing the Truth about any situation that we are facing. Sitting if even a few times a week and just breathing. You can set a timer for at least 10 minutes with your intention on seeing the Truth of any situation. Also eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and exercise to remove any blocks in our bodies.

P.S.   Trust

We always know what’s best for us in our heart of hearts ….but how well do we trust it?
Often, in our attempts to get clarity in our lives we consult our coworkers, friends, families etc. And often confuse ourselves even further.  Everyone sees life through their own lens of everything that is happened to them, not necessarily what our experiences have been or what we value. Yet, how often do we make them the authority on our lives.  Trusting ourselves is a scary thing! What if we fail?  Then who would we blame….right?  But what if what we ‘learned’ through what we perceived as our failure/painful experiences was the very thing we needed to succeed the next time!  Can we trust that there is a Higher plan for us…….
I challenge you to try this…. For the next two weeks have the intention of allowing your Higher self to lead you and just follow your first instinct or the first thing you hear.  See where it leads you….
If this makes you nervous here’s a little prayer that might help you feel clear about your choices.

Dear(Whomever you pray to)
Please help me clearly hear, see, feel, and know the Divine guidance that I have asked and prayed for. Allow me to keep my ego out of the way so that your wisdom can come streaming through me…..For my own benefit and for those around me.

Please let me know if you are led to some amazing in miraculous situations in your life:)


I will be at the Sacred Stone Gallery in Redondo Beach doing intuitive readings on November 1 from 1 to 430. 20 minute sessions. You can contact me for an appointment 310-567-0243 or email

I also do private readings over the phone or in person.  310 567 0243 or

I will also be doing my very popular workshop, The Joy of Living you Dream…. Vision Board workshop. On Sunday, November 9th at the Center for Spiritual Living on 907 Knob Hill, Redondo Beach from 1230 to 230pm.
Vision boards are a visual tool to help us manifest our dreams! During the workshop you will learn and create your own personal vision board.
Bring a friend and spend the afternoon creating your future.
$15 before November 9
$20 at the door

Many blessings,

August 2014 Newsletter

concheHi Everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying this amazing summer.

Just wanted to let you know that every month I will be asking the Keepers of the Akashic Records what we can expect in terms of the energy of the month ahead of us and what we can do to best harness and navigate through that energy.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family.  It will also be posted on my Face Book Page Conscious Transitions and website
I also do private readings.  You can email me for an appointment.


This month start off with a very playful energy.  Its a month for us to connect to our inner child. Doing all those things that make us feel playful.  Fill your cup with fun activities, outings and family and friends.  It will be especially great if you can spend time with children…we can learn a lot from them!

It’s a sense of ‘Its Summer” so let’s enjoy this wonderful weather and get outside.  If you live near a lake or ocean make it a point to partake in some water sports or just being in close proximity to it will give you that sense of relaxation and enjoyment.

It will best serve you to get out connect with the people nearest and dearest to you and move your body…, walk, run, skip and create joy within and around you.

And ask your yourself everyday….what makes ME happy?    And just go do it!!!!

Sorry I did not get this out at the very beginning of the month as was my intention.  I was having to much fun to sit at my computer to write this…..but I promise to do better next month:)

As for me and perhaps this might be you….I asked myself today…What will make me happy today?  And the answer came back “a clean home” …not what I wanted to hear!  But I carved out my afternoon so that I could spend some time cleaning and organizing my things and you know what …it felt great  to look around my home and everything was in its place and clean!!!   Ahhh happiness… not always how you expect it!!!  But I invite you to ask yourself …..

Many Blessing,

Ivette Temesy
conscious transitions
intuitive counseling
310 567 0243

phone (310) 567-0243

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